When you buy a hamster there are certain things you must check before you buy it.
The most important thing you need to check is that the hamster is healthy.
Here is a quick list of things you should do and look out for when choosing your hamster:
The Hamster Cage
- Check that the cage looks clean
- The cage should not be overcrowded
- The hamsters should have access to food and water at all times

Hamster sex and age
- The hamsters should be separated by sex; males in one cage, females in another
- If buying from a pet shop and the staff don't know the sex of the hamsters this is not a good sign. You could end up buying a pregnant female and this could cause many problems.
- The hamsters should be no younger than 5 weeks old when you buy them. If they are younger than this, they are too young to be sold.
The healthiness of the hamster
- If one hamster in the cage with other hamsters look sick it is best not to get a hamster from that cage, as this puts all the hamsters in the cage at risk of illness.
- The hamster should have bright eyes when awake.
- The hamster should not have runny or sticky eyes, runny nose, sneezing, wet or dirty bottom, matted fur, or seem lethargic.
- You should ask to hold the hamster before you buy it- to check it over one last time and check if it is tame.
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