
Sunday, 2 December 2012

Super Sweet Blogging Award!

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! I've been nominated for the "Super Sweet Blogging Award"! I am so excited! Thank you to Pawsitively Pets for nominating me! I really appreciate it. Be sure to visit her blog, it covers everything - all sorts of animals and information, with a great deal of wit and humour!

Now, I am have to answer a few questions about myself...

1. Cookies or Cake?

Ohhhhhh... Hard choice - I love both! I would probably say triple chocolate cookies are my favourite, but my Granny makes the most amazing chocolate cake... Hard choice! I think I'll just have to leave it at both!

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?

I like chocolate the best in cookies and cakes probably, though vanilla cupcakes with icing on are really good too... 

3. What is your favorite sweet treat?

I would probably say Cadbury's dairy milk chocolate yogurts... YUM. They are chocolate yogurts with pieces of flake/buttons etc. that you put inside them... A bit like Muller yogurt pots if you don't know what the Cadbury's ones are.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most?

I kind of just have random cravings... If I am stressed I eat more chocolate though ;)

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?

I don't have a sweet nickname, but I used to be nicknamed 'Hannah Banana' (Quite like Ann's nickname, who was the person who nominated me from Pawsitively Pets!)

My nominees for the award...

I am supposed to nominate 13 other blogs for this sweet award, but I am just going to nominate 10, cause these are the main blogs I follow. Although I follow many blogs, most of them already have it, but I thought I would just re-nominate them anyway.

Cavy Savvy - Guinea Pig Blog
Hamster Diaries - Hamster Blog
Bobo the hamster - Hamster Blog
Waiting for 2 Corinthians 1:20 - Bunny Blog
Cheek Pouches - Hamster Blog
Bunny Blog - can you guess what that's about? ;)
Cally Jane Studio - Art/Illustration Blog
Dare to bee creative... - Art/card-making Blog

I would also nominate Pawsitively Pets, but I can't really as she already has it and she was the one who nominated me!

I know some people really hate these cause they think it's silly, so I don't mind if you are nominated and don't want to do it! And thank you once again to Ann from Pawsitively Pets for nominating me!


  1. Wow, thanks for nominating us! We're wheeking with joy!

  2. You're welcome Hannah! Awesome nickname too :)

  3. Once again, thank you for the nomination :-) It's very nice of you that you've actually thought about us.

  4. Thank you for the nomination, I'm not sure what it means but I am thrilled you like my blog! Didn't know anyone was lookiing;)

  5. thanks for nominating me! I love telling stories of my naughty animals

  6. Thank you for nominating me! I have been so inactive on my blog this last year that it has become ghost town and it is nice to see that someone still follows and even bothers to comment, so thank you! That made my day! :-D

  7. Thank you for nominating me! I have been so inactive on my blog this last year that it has become ghost town and it is nice to see that someone still follows and even bothers to comment, so thank you! That made my day! :-D


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