
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

C is for Creative

Day #3 of the A-Z Challenge

Be creative when it comes to looking after your hamster. There are many things you can do to make your hamster's life more interesting, so I thought I would show you one to get you started.

#1 - a fun swing
Idea based on this

You will be needing the following:

      Scissors                                                                String                                                               Toilet Roll Tube

Create a fun swing for your hamster using a toilet paper tube. 

Poke one hole in each end of the tube with the pointed end of the scissors. 

Make the holes so that they are lined up with each other across the length of the tube. Cut a piece of string that is approximately 12 inches long, then put the string into the holes you made, and tie a knot at the end of the string to stop the string falling back out the tube.

Attach it securely to any wires at the top of your hamster's cage, making sure that the new swing is not so high up that if the hamster falls it will hurt itself.

Hope you find this interesting!


  1. Interesting swing idea; I'll have to try it out!

  2. You have an adorable blog and, funnily enough, this isn't the first blog I've come across on the A to Z challenge devoted to hamsters! I had a few hamsters when I was a child, as well as a really wonderful pet rat, so I know why you like them so much.
    Happy A to Z!

  3. Ahhhh! I had a hampster when I was little. Am a cat fan personally, but this is a nice blog, makes me all soft inside
    Happy A-Zing...from fellow A-Zer @

  4. A hamster swing - that's awesome! Great post and happy A-Z blogging.

  5. Here from the A-Z challenge. Great idea! Happ hamsters.

  6. Oh that's such a great idea!! I look forward to reading your other A to Z posts!

    Just A Nice Girl

  7. Thanks for all the comments, glad you all like the idea :)


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