
Thursday, 8 March 2012

Hamsters can recognize their name

I wanted to do an interesting but informative post, so I looked up some animal facts, and I actually found something quite interesting, though some people may not really think it is true.

Hamsters can be taught to come to you by their name -  like a dog.
The idea of your hamster coming to your name seems weird, because a hamster isn't really the sort of animal who you call by name. (if you know what I mean)

But I think its true, because when I leave Lolly running around the house in her exercise ball and I come and find her, if I see her a few meters away from me and call "Lolly!" She usually starts heading my way.

Cool, huh?

Picture from google images, not actually Lolly


  1. I have a similar thing with Rory, she comes when she hears her name... she also sometimes comes to music-- generally Coldplay.

    1. Rory is obviously a cool hamster, Lolly doesn't come out to music! XD

  2. :-) I can also confirm although with Lilly it was quite complicated: she knew I was calling her but she was comming to me only if she had nothing more interesting to do ;-) Once she was grooming herself or stuffing I could call her Queen of England and she wouldn't come ;-)

    1. I agree... hamsters clearly have other priorities, rather than simply coming to you ;)

  3. That understandable, I mean, you say their name every single day lots of times! ;D Love your blog, by the way.

    Animal Mommy


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