
Sunday, 26 February 2012

Rodent Recipe Challenge - Pasta

This is an entry for Inky's Rodent Recipe Challenge.

My recipe consisted of carrot, cut up and crushed 'Raviolos', and pasta.

I peeled a carrot, and until all the outside bit had gone, and peeled it again and used the fresh peel to create a circle.

Then I sliced a bit of carrot, and used that as the base.

Then I filled it with the crushed Raviolos.

I then cooked one strand of spagetti then cut it up into small pieces and   lay it over the top of my carroty recipe.

- And vouila, I had a perfect hamster treat!

Lolly seemed to really enjoy it, so it was a huge success! :D


  1. That last picture is so cute! I think I will give this a go at some point, thanks!

  2. :)Adorable, thanks for entering!

  3. What a great idea to use a carrot as a base for the dish :-)

  4. These pictures are absolutely adorable. I own a chinchilla. Do you think it would be appropriate to use this recipe? I wouldn't wanna risk doing harm to my little furry pet.


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